Friday, September 20, 2013

The Need to Hire a Broward Injury Lawyer for Your Case

The Need to Hire a Broward Injury Lawyer for Your Case

If you, or a loved one, have been injured as a result of negligence of another individual or entity, you should consider hiring a skilled personal injury attorney. This is because you are likely experiencing mounting medical bills, years of rehabilitation, lost wages, and undue financial stress because of the incident. In addition, you are likely challenged by the delay or denial from an insurance company when making a claim to receive financial compensation for your pain, suffering, damages and injuries.

Nearly any type of injury caused through negligence can put a family into an unexpected financial tailspin. In an effort to hold those at fault responsible for their actions, and to receive compensation, you will need to secure legal representation. This is the only sure way to protect your rights and develop a strong case to support your claim. Every day throughout Florida, experienced personal injury attorneys handle all different types of cases for their clients. These can include:

Broward Vehicle Accidents
Broward Bicycle Injuries
Broward Wrongful Death Cases
Broward Construction Site Injuries
Broward Nursing Home Neglect
Broward Medical Malpractice
Broward Dog Bites
Broward Dangerous Drugs
Broward Workplace Accidents
Broward Product Defect Claims
Broward Workers’ Compensation
Broward Slip and Fall Injuries
Broward Elderly Neglect
and others

The Need for an Broward Injury Attorney

Florida law involving personal injury is complex. More than likely you are unfamiliar with every aspect of handling a personal injury claim. You might not understand exactly what you are legally entitled to receive, which could work to the advantage of the insurance claims adjuster that is seeking to minimize the amount of compensation you are given.

However, an experienced Broward Injury Lawyer can assist you in interpreting Florida law as it applies to your specific case. Your attorney can negotiate directly with the insurance carrier, or file a lawsuit on your behalf, to ensure you receive a fair and adequate settlement for your injuries.

The Value of Your Injury Claim

Your skilled Broward Injury Lawyer will use proven methods to calculate the value of your claim. Your entitled compensation can be determined by your past, current and future medical treatments and procedures. In addition, you have likely lost wages because of your injuries, and possibly will lose earning potential in the future.

There are proven methods used to calculate the pain and suffering you have endured as a result of negligence at the hands of another individual or entity. In addition, your skilled attorney can determine the amount of insurance that is available from the liable party to ensure that you receive a fair and just compensation for your claim.

Injury Settlement or Injury Lawsuit

By properly evaluating all of the evidence in your claim, your Broward Injury Lawyer can help you determine whether to settle out of court or file a lawsuit to take your case to trial. A skilled attorney can advise you on the financial risks involved in litigation and the best tools to reduce your potential exposure to minimize those risks.

It is best to seek out KS-Law in Broward, Florida. The skilled attorneys have years of experience dealing with personal injury issues. They use proven strategies to maximize the results for their clients. The attorneys are fearless when fighting for the proper compensation their client deserves because of the pain, suffering, damages and injuries they have endured, due to the negligence of another.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Social Media Posting....worst than texting and driving?

Florida has taken an important first step in curtailing the deadly habit of texting and driving, but should Florida legislators have done more? Last month the Sunshine State joined 39 other states to make texting and driving illegal. Unfortunately, the new Florida law is being criticized because of its lackadaisical approach to the idea of texting and driving. 

Police departments should be able to use the new law to encourage safe driving habits and the prevention of auto accidents. However, the new law is currently just a secondary offense, which is only relevant when a driver is caught in the act of committing another more serious traffic infraction, like causing a crash, speeding or running a red light. This “after the fact” approach seriously undermines the effectiveness of the new ban on texting while driving.

Furthermore, many are curious why the new law doesn’t address many of the other activities motorists are doing in the car. The new law deals only with written communication. This  includes manually sending or reading information using a wireless device, which is conduct associated with texting, emailing and instant messaging. Text messages and phone calls are relatively easy to sort through on a cell phone bill, but how do we decipher how many Instagram pictures you saw while driving or “Likes” drivers are giving their friends’ photos? Plainly, the law is silent as to the various streams of data that a cell phone is capable of receiving. 

How about YouTube, Netflix and other video streaming services? Think that it’s crazy a driver would watch a video on their portable device? I have witnessed it personally! While the driver may be able to divide their attention on a long stretch of road, how would they be able to react to a sudden occurrence on the road, like a tire blowout, scattered debris, other drivers’ negligence and accident avoidance? 

Research shows that distracted driving can adversely impact one’s consciousness and focus just as much as driving drunk (a condition some researchers refer to as “inattention blindness”).  The reckless and negligent nature of these behaviors should be addressed by better and more applicable legislation. 

If you have been in an accident due to texting or social media posts get justice now!

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